
An simple, async, full package name path, log rotating, different colored log library.

aelog aims to make using python log as simple as possible. as a result, it drastically simplifies using python logging.

aelog’s design objectives:

  • Make using python log as simple as possible.
  • Output log contains the full package name path.
  • Provide asynchronous log output function, at the same time, contains common log output.
  • Output according to the log level to mark the different colors separately.
  • Provide a log file rotating, automatic backup.
  • Output to the terminal and file, default output to the terminal, if you don’t provide the log file path.

Installing aelog

  • pip install aelog

init aelog

import aelog

app = Flask(__name__)

# or
aelog.init_app(aelog_access_file='aelog_access_file.log', aelog_error_file='aelog_error_file.log',

aelog config

List of configuration keys that the aelog extension recognizes:

configuration key the meaning of the configuration key
AELOG_ACCESS_FILE Access file path, default None.
AELOG_ERROR_FILE Error file path, default None.
AELOG_CONSOLE Whether it is output at the terminal, default false.
AELOG_MAX_BYTES Log file size, default 50M.
AELOG_BACKUP_COUNT Rotating file count, default 5.


simple using, output log to terminal.

import aelog


def test_aelog_output_console():



    aelog.debug("simple debug message", "other message")"simple info message", "other message")
    aelog.warning("simple warning message", "other message")
    aelog.error("simple error message", "other message")
    aelog.critical("simple critical message", "other message")
        5 / 0
    except Exception as e:
This will output to the terminal.
output_console - Different levels of logging, different color, the color is cyan, green, yellow, red and ‘bold_red,bg_white’ in turn.

output log to file and terminal.

import aelog
from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

aelog.init_app(app)  # Output to the test.log file and terminal

def test_aelog_output_file():



    aelog.debug("simple debug message", "other message")"simple info message", "other message")
    aelog.warning("simple warning message", "other message")
    aelog.error("simple error message", "other message")
    aelog.critical("simple critical message", "other message")
        5 / 0
    except Exception as e:

This will output to the test.log file and terminal. output_file - Automatic output is greater than the error information to the ‘test_error.log’ file. - Different levels of logging, different color, the color is cyan, green, yellow, red and ‘bold_red,bg_white’ in turn.

asynchronous output log to file and terminal.

import asyncio
import aelog
from sanic import Sanic

app = Sanic(__name__)

aelog.init_aelog(app)  # Output to the test.log file and terminal

async def test_async_output():
    await aelog.async_debug("simple debug message", "other message")
    await aelog.async_info("simple info message", "other message")
    await aelog.async_warning("simple warning message", "other message")
    await aelog.async_error("simple error message", "other message")
    await aelog.async_critical("simple critical message", "other message")
        5 / 0
    except Exception as e:
        await aelog.async_exception(e)

if "__name__"=="__main__":
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
This will output to the test.log file and terminal. async_output - Automatic output is greater than the error information to the ‘test_error.log’ file.
- Different levels of logging, different color, the color is cyan, green, yellow, red and ‘bold_red,bg_white’ in turn.